ennovative enterprise embedded OS

Case Studies

Education Segments

  1. Connecting Thin clients to a local Linux Server to conduct Practical Examination

  2. Using Local Browser for Online Examination

  3. Restricting access of all other applications so that no student can refer to any application during the examination without consent of authorities.

  4. Facilitating needs of two labs in a single lab

  5. Running All Educational Engineering Software through RDP on Thin Client

Situation : Walchand Engineering College, one of the most reputed colleges in Sangli runs various Engineering Courses at their institute. Their requirement was typical and as follows

  1. Previously they were planning to have 2 different labs for Examination & Teaching.

  2. Or the other idea was to remove all the applications from the systems and then use the Lab for online examination.

  3. On the other hand they required that new computers should be able to connect to Local CentOS server using Telnet while Practical Examination was conducted.

  4. They wanted local Browser for conducting Online Examination

  5. They also required that the new setup should be economical and should consume less power as compared to any such Computer Lab.

Solution proposed by Enjay was Enjay Impression 1500+ to reduce their power consumption by 85 %. Implementation of ThinClient sufficed the needs of Institute in following way.

  1. Local Internet Browser is now used to conduct online examination

  2. Thin client are connected using telnet to local CentOS system to conduct Practical Examination based on Java & C programming.

  3. Thin Clients are connected to RDP Server using TC Connect application while System is used for teaching.

  4. TC Connect Application is locked while online Examination is conducted to avoid misuse of applications during examination.

Evaluation of Benefits incured at Sami Labs Pvt. Ltd after implementation of Thin Clients

  • Now there was no need to have 2 Different Labs for Teaching & Examination.

  • There is no need to un-install applications while examinations are conducted.

  • Huge investment required for creating 2 labs was avoided

  • Enjay System Manager Locking mechanism enabled Lab Incharge to lock the systems connectivity to windows server while examination is ON.

  • All the Teaching Applications are installed and managed centrally on a single server

  • Licensing Cost was drastically reduced  to save Rs. 1,29,000/- as following

    Previous requirements of Licensing

    Current requirement of Licensing

    Windows XP on 40 Desktop System
    (Rs. 7500 each) Rs. 3,00,000/-
    Windows Server License
    Rs. 30,000/-
    Cost of antivirus for 40 Desktop Systems
    (Rs. 1200 each)
    Rs. 48,000/-
    Cal for 35 Clients
    (Rs. 1000 each)
    Rs. 35,000/-
    Total licensing Cost
    Rs. 3,48,000/-
    TTs-Cal for 40 Clients
    (Rs. 3800 each)
    Rs. 1,52,000/-
      Antivirus for Windows Server
    Rs. 2,000/-
      Total licensing Cost =
    Rs. 2,19,000/-

Banking Segments

  1. Printing on Passbook printers from Thin Client

  2. Seamlessly running Core Banking Software when connected to RDP Server

  3. Migration of MS Office to Libre Office

  4. Converting 175 Desktop Machines of different configurations to Thin Clients

  5. Running Both Enjay Impression 1500+ ThinClients and Converted Desktop Thin Clients in Same environment.

Situation : Sikshak Sahakari Cooperative Bank a leading Bank based at several Places in and around Nagpur, Maharashtra. They were previously using 175 Desktop PCs to work with their applications like

  1. Core Banking Software

  2. Local MS Office Applications

Previously they were also using Printers on all their systems at all the branches. Printers used are like

  1. Olivetti Passbook Printers

  2. Epson Dot-matrix Printers

Management at Sikshak Sahakari Bank were planning to increase number of users in all different branches and were trying to evaluate different possibilities for implementing economic solution.

  1. huge investment was required to upgrade their low configured branded systems

  2. Huge Maintenance & Downtime was incurred due to use of Desktop Machines

  3. At the time of system disaster all the machines had to be reinstalled completely to fulfil all the requirements of applications and devices

  4. They were planning to invest on 75 new systems over all at various branches.

  5. They wanted their software and printers to comfortably work with the new system that was to be implemented.

Solution proposed by Enjay was PNP Thinclient to convert their existing low-configured 175 Desktops and 75 Impression 1500+ Thin Client Systems. After implementation of ThinClient they used their applications and resources in following way.

  1. Thin Clients are now connected to a Local Centralised Server.

  2. Now their Core Banking Software is seamlessly run using Windows 2003 RDP Server

  3. Now they use open source Libre Office locally available on Thin Client

Since they had a typical requirement on Printer managing following solution was proposed

  • All their Passbook Printers are Locally connected to Thin Client and are used in Core Banking Software running on Windows RDP Session.

  • All their Line Printers are locally installed in Thinclient and are used through both Local and remote applications.

  • So all users can use their local as well as network connected printers.

Evaluation of Benefits incured at Shikshak Sahakari Bank after implementation of Thin Clients

  • Huge investment on upgrading desktops was completely avoided

  • They get all Power Consumption benefits on 75 Enjay Impression 1500+.

  • Licensing Cost was drastically reduced  to save Rs. 55,18,200/- as following

Manufacturing Segments

  1. Connectivity to Remote Windows 2008 RDP Server.

  2. Printing to local printer connected to thin client from Session available from Remote Windows 2008 RDP Server.

  3. Conversion of low-configured desktop machines to Enjay Thin Clients.

  4. All the Desktops were of different Make and model.

Situation: Sami Labs a leading manufacturing company based in 2 major cities of Karnataka were previously using 175 Desktop PCs to work with their applications like

    1. ERP

    2. Office Applications

    3. Internet Browser

They were also using Printers on all their systems which are like

    1. Various models of HP Printers

    2. Canon Printers

System Users at Sami Labs were facing various problems in their previous work environment which are like

  1. huge investment was required to upgrade their low configured systems like Celeron, P4, etc.

  2. Huge Maintenance & Downtime was incurred due to use of Desktop Machines

  3. At the time of system disaster all the machines had to be reinstalled completely to fulfil all the requirements of applications and devices

Solution proposed by Enjay was PNP Thinclient to convert their existing low-configured 175 Desktops. After implementation of ThinClient they used their applications and resources in following way

  1. Thin Clients are now connected to a Centralised Server that is based on a remote location.

  2. Now their ERP, MS Office Applications & Internet Browser is made available from Remote Desktop Windows Server.

Since they had a typical requirement on Printer managing following solution was proposed

  • All the printers can installed locally on any of the thinclient.

  • Any thin Client can now access printers that are connected on other thin clients.

  • All the local printers are available as session printers in the RDP session taken from remote Windows server.

  • So all users can use their local as well as network connected printers in ther RDP Sessions

Evaluation of Benefits incurred at Sami Labs Pvt. Ltd after implementation of Thin Clients

  • Huge investment on upgrading desktops was completely avoided

  • All the applications were now managed from central server to reduce individual system maintenance and over all down time.

  • Licensing Cost was drastically reduced  to save Rs. 4,60,500/- as following

    Previous requirements of Licensing

    Current requirement of Licensing

    Windows Server License
    Rs. 30,000/-

    Windows Server License
    Rs. 30,000/-

    Windows XP on 175 Desktop System
    (Rs. 7500 each) Rs. 10,87,500/-

    Cal for 170 Clients (Rs. 1000 each)
    Rs. 1,70,000/-

    Cost of antivirus for 175 Desktop Systems
    (Rs. 1200 each) Rs. 2,10,000/-

    Ts-Cal for 175 Clients (Rs. 3800 each)
    Rs. 6,65,000/-
    Total licensing Cost
    Rs. 13,27,500/-

    Antivirus for Windows Server
    Rs. 2,000/-


    Total licensing Cost =
    Rs. 8,67,000/-

Pharmaceutical Segments

  1. Migration to Open Source Software

  2. Using both Local and remote Windows Application from Thin Client

  3. Using HP & Epson Printers both Locally and in Network

  4. Reducing Power Consumption by 85 %

Situation : Olive Health Care Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Pharmaceutical Company based in Daman. Company was planning to setup a new plant and a setup of 50 systems for their users. Software requirement was quite common but there was a ask to save the Software Licensing Cost by the company. Software Applications planned to be used on 50 Systems was as follows

  1. Office Applications

  2. Internet Browser

  3. Email Client

They were also using Printers on all their systems which are like

  1. Various models of HP Printers

  2. Various Models of Dot Printers of both Epson and TVSE Make

Management at Olive Healthcare was thinking hard to avoid unnecessary Software License Cost as well as provide their users a user-friendly work environment

  1. Huge Investment was required to setup a lab of 50 Computer systems and Purchasing software Licenses for all the needed software.

  2. With their experience of other Plant they new that Desktop systems were going to incur a huge Maintenance and down-time

  3. Since they heard about thin client technology from their sources they came to know about benefits of centralised computing and centralised application management. Now they were in search of a reputed brand of Thin Clients

Solution proposed by Enjay was Enjay Impression 1000. After implementation of ThinClient they used their applications and resources in following way

  1. Thin Clients are now connected to a Local Centralised Server that runs Windows Server.

  2. They are using Libre office application that is locally available on Thin Client. With help of this open source local application they are able to use MS Office documents sent by their partners and customers.

  3. QC department users are now able to use their windows based application using RDP Connectivity offered by Enjay Thin Client.

following solution was proposed for their requirement of using variuos Printer.

  • All the printers are now installed locally on any of the thinclient.

  • They are also able install network printers.

Evaluation of Benefits incurred at Olive Healthcare Pvt. Ltd after implementation of Thin Clients

  • Centralised computing reduced Maintenance & Down-time

  • Licensing Cost was drastically reduced  to save Rs. 1,68,000/- as following

    Previous requirements of Licensing

    Current requirement of Licensing

    Windows XP on 50 Desktop System
    (Rs. 7500 each) Rs. 3,75,000/-

    Windows Server License
    Rs. 30,000/-

    Cost of antivirus for 50 Desktop Systems
    (Rs. 1200 each) Rs. 60,000/-
    Cal for 45 Clients (Rs. 1000 each)
    Rs. 45,000/-

    Total licensing Cost
    Rs. 4,35,000/-

    Ts-Cal for 50 Clients (Rs. 3800 each)
    Rs. 1,90,000/-

      Antivirus for Windows Server
    Rs. 2,000/-

    Total licensing Cost
    Rs. 2,67,000/-

Import/Export Segments

  1. Reducing Licensing Cost to Zero

  2. Using Tiguing Linux as Thin Client Server

  3. Printing from Locally embedded Applications on thin clients

  4. Low usage of UPS power due to low power consuming Thin Clients

Situation : Palani Group of Companies a leading group of companies involved in Export of Food Products based in Several States and Cities of India was planning to setup their two new Sister Concern IT Labs at Sturn - Mumbai and DNP foods Pvt. Ltd. - Umergam (Gujarat) with lowest possible Licensing Cost. Both of the Setups had almost similar requirements where software required were as follows

  1. Web Based ERP

  2. Open Source Office Applications

  3. Open Source Internet Browser

  4. Open Source Email Client

They also had requirements of using different Printers like

    1. Various models of HP Laserjet & Colorjet Printers

    2. Canon Printers

The Company Management at both the locations were planning to have following facilities in their new setups

  1. Reduce Cost of Licensing to as low as possible

  2. Make open source applications available in all client machines

  3. Use of Printers in both local system and network environment

  4. Centralised data storage and secure backup storage was also their concern

  5. Reduce cost of power consumption

Solution proposed by Enjay was Impression 1500 ThinClient to reduce power consumption to just 15 % of what requires in Desktop systems. After implementation of ThinClient they used their applications and resources in following way

  1. They are using Libre Office to create, manage and share their documents, spreadsheets & Presentation

  2. Firefox was locally available on Thin Client to run their web-based ERP system

  3. They use Thunderbird email client by connecting to Tiguin Linux Thin Client Server. As their Thunder bird data was as huge as minimum 4.5 GB for each users.

  4. Their Data is centrally stored on Centralised Thin Client Server based on Tiguin Linux.

  5. They use Enjay Store Vol to centrally backup their data at scheduled time.

Since they had a typical requirement on managing Printers so the following solution was proposed

  • They can now install any of their printers on any of the Thin Client Systems

  • Any thin Client can now access printers that are connected on other thin clients.

  • They easily use any of their printers to print from their ERP System

Evaluation of Benefits incured at Palani Group of Companies after implementation of Thin Clients are as follows :

  • Power Consumption is reduced to just 15 % of what would have been in case of Desktop systems

  • They are able to use all Local applications as well as applications available on Tiguin Linux Thin Client Server

  • Reducing Cost of UPS to following

    • In Case of Windows environment UPS required 26
      In Current Thin Client environment requirement of UPS is 10

    • Cost of UPS = 2000

    • Total UPS Cost Saved Rs. 32,000/-

  • Licensing Cost was drastically reduced  to zero as following

    Requirements of Licensing in case of Desktop with Windows Environment

    Current requirement of Licensing

    Windows on 26 Desktop System
    (Rs. 7500 each) Rs. 1,95,000/-
    Cost of MS Office Application
    (Rs. 17,500 each) Rs. 4,55,000/-
    Total Savings on Licensing Cost
    Rs. 6,81,200/-
    Cost of antivirus for 26 Desltop Systems
    (Rs. 1200 each) Rs. 31,200/-

    Total licensing Cost
    Rs. 6,81,200/-

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